Our Test-and-Learn Environments
MediaCity is a place to develop, test and try the products and ideas that will shape the future. Take our Vodafone 5G incubator, an Innovation hub that gives businesses access to the most agile and capable technical resources available, through 5G, high-speed fibre and the Internet of Things.
Or our Smart City Innovation Testbed, designed to enable organisations to test ground-breaking technology solutions that have the potential to improve life for communities and businesses. Our incubation space, HOST, meanwhile provides targeted support to UK based start-ups and scale-ups with market-ready technology products and services.
Digital at the BBC
The BBC is one of the biggest tech employers in the North, using its base at MediaCity to test award-winning digital sport services, deliver innovation through its R&D teams, and launch world-leading apps and digital services to audiences across the globe.
The BBC’s R&D North research lab houses highly specialist research engineers, scientists, ethnographers, designers, producers and innovation professionals working on every aspect of the broadcast chain. It has a track record of innovation. From colour TV and Ceefax way back when, to BBC iPlayer and live-streamed events around the world.