Inspired by cult TV drama the Sopranos, co-founders Sam Gormally and Meg Lingenfelter, who binge watched the show during lockdown, launched Bada Bing over six months ago to give them something to do while on furlough from their regular jobs in hospitality.
After quietly tweaking and developing a small but ingredient packed range of New York Italian style sandwiches from the couple’s home in the Northern Quarter they started to serve their hit hoagies featuring US deli-style meats and cheeses, from a redundant kitchen in Piccadilly. They quickly gained a legion of fans and acclaim on social media and as demand grew the pair made Ancoats General Store Bada’s permanent residency in July.
Their signature sub ‘The Bing’, features gabagool, pistachio mortadella, Napoli salami, Ventricina salami, sharp provolone, tomato, lettuce, red onion, giardiniera and mayonnaise while the Silvio, Muffuletta, Pollo Verde and Badabahn promise to not disappoint, filled with mouth-watering combinations of meats, cheese, relish and sauces as well as an abundance of fresh ingredients and there’s a veggie option too.