In this high-stakes quiz that puts mental speed to the test, contestants face a series of questions with the answers on moneybags that pass along a conveyor belt in front of them. Grab a right answer and you get that bag’s value – anything from £1,000 to £100,000. But pick a wrong bag and you could lose everything. Every week a massive £1 million will pass down the conveyor belt – it’s just up to our players to grab it.
The series, filmed at dock10 studios, has been commissioned for an initial 30-part order of 60-minute programmes for Channel 4 by Jo Street, Head of Daytime and Features. The series is produced by Youngest North, Youngest Media’s recently launched Leeds based hub, with executive producers Shaun Parry, Aaron Rosenthal, Michelle Woods and David Flynn (whose previous international gameshow hits include The Million Pound Drop, Pointless and Small Fortune). Mike Maclaine will be Series Producer.